the nashtea podcast

oh no-ceangate

Aly Jordan & Ty Williams Season 3 Episode 5


Our thoughts from the Oceangate/Titan submersible tragedy only a month after the implosion happened. Aly was stuck on a boat, and Ty was flying around the east coast. Though equally saddened that people could partake in such a dangerous activity, we discuss why they shouldn't have gone in the first place. We end with the head scratching question - could this have been "rich people" karma? Revisit the atrocity that left 5 dead and turned the Titanic shipwreck from a graveyard into a game site. #nintendo


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 Hey everybody, what's up and welcome back to the Nashtea, your favorite Music City podcast. 

I am Aly and I'm here with Ty as always. What up, what up?  We are excited to be talking some shit today. Yeah. As always. And we're going to discuss  the. The little sub that couldn't, Oh God, is that too, is it too soon? 

I'm so sorry. I'm  so happy to be back.  He's been waiting for me to just, yeah, she's been okay. So to, to preface this story, Aly. About a month in some change ago decides to take off on this giant ass cruise ship.  Bye. On an Alaska cruise. Yeah. Like this. Amazing. My family, they're amazing. Yeah, it was. It was awesome.

The trip of a lifetime, honestly, like I never would've been able to do that without them. So I'm incredibly thankful. When I first moved to Nashville, I didn't even realize I had family here. Yeah. And then,  they went to visit, it's by my cousin  and he's my grandma's age. They grew up together and, um, they were just passing through visiting my grandmother one day and on their way to a different cruise, this was years ago.

And they were like, Oh, why do you have that shrine to Nashville on your wall? And she said, Oh, that's my granddaughter. She lives in Nashville. And they were like, Nellie. We live in Brentwood, which is like 10 minutes away from Nashville and she was like, Oh, which I guess she never really realized Yeah, exactly. long story short We ended up getting really close and I was so thankful because They are just all like super welcoming. We have family dinners on the weekends and, you know, so when they pitched this to us last year, like, Oh, would you, do you think you'd want to go?

What do you mean? Of course. Like, let's go, let's do this. So we're, um, just really happy that we got to do that. But while we were on the boat, all this stuff was happening with the ocean gate submersible. Did you see the video of the vlogger?

Uh, no, we'll get it. Well, we'll get into that, but I know like Mr. Beast was invited to go. At some point, but there was a different kid. I shouldn't call him a kid. He's like an adult, but he's a young adult and he's the one that does all like the scuba diving videos on YouTube. And I think he goes in rivers and streams and stuff like that.

Not just in the ocean. So like Nanthala River, when people go rafting, they lose shit all the time. Yes, I have seen that. So he finds like, like iPhones and things like that. Yeah. Like civil war relics. He's found, you know, GoPros and iPhones, like you said. So, um, I'm pretty sure it's the same guy.  He got invited to go on mission three. 

And so he vlogged the whole thing.  And posted it recently and it was so well done. It was so respectful towards the people that were lost. Obviously Stockton was there cause it was his expedition, but, um, Pierre was there as well. So, you know, you've got like - just these people who have put in the time and the experience and everything.

Um, and, and it was really well done. So, um, you kind of get to relive what they just, yeah. So he starts at the beginning, like they're traveling to Newfoundland and then where they stayed - and they had this wreath made with like seashells and conchs and um, you know, for the, the people that were lost in the Titanic. And so they went out and they got to go on the boat. Of course, you're on the expedition for five days.  So, he vlogged his whole time on the boat and, um, you know, his girlfriend was with him and they showed the living quarters and, you know, the Titan submersible being towed behind the boat and all the crew that was on the boat.

Like, everyone was just super nice, super friendly. They, um, showed like the meetings where Stockton was talking about, you know, some of the, the challenges that they were facing and why they weren't able to go down that day. And then finally at like the very end, they were like, well, we're not going to be able to drop to depth, but we are going to be able to go.

In the submersible. If you, you know, if you want to come, I guess somebody gave him their ticket or something like that to actually, or not ticket, but see, because you can only fit so many people in there. And so, um, and so he went on it and they bolted him in and he videoed the whole thing of them getting bolted in and like the little toilet in the front and  Can I, can I tell you something about that's where you lose, that's where you lose me. 

Like the moment they're like, okay, so we're going to put you in there and then what we're going to do next is we're going to close it and then we're, we have to have these giant  drills that screw these ginormous. Screws and we're going to bolt you in there. Okay. So when you come back up, you got to wait for us to get to you and then unbolt that… you lost me already.

Like, I'm like, you can go f**k yourself. you want to put me in a coffin and drop me to the bottom of the ocean. It's not happening in an airplane with failed Boeing parts. Yeah, yes, like that's what you want to do. I don't think so. Like gosh. So where were you when you first heard about it?

Okay, so  I was I don't remember where I don't remember where I was when I first heard about it, but I'm pretty sure it was like either the day or two before I was to fly up to New York. Yeah, so I was going up for my nephew's, elementary graduation. so when I saw the news of it and they went,  there's a missing submersible. And initially I was like, well, they'll find it because  this isn't like MH370 where it, an airliner goes miss, like people knew. From the ship they were in contact. So they'd know at least the area of where they were.

I'm like they're dead like - they're gone. Because there's no way you lock somebody in that thing and then they're lost for 24 hours on at that depth. What if a current? 13,000 feet. Yeah, that's crazy to me and you can't see anything I mean, like 13,000 feet is where you jump out of an airplane. You're that far below the water.

Yeah. Yeah.  I don't think people realize how truly how deep it is. Yeah. I mean, I don't think I appreciated it either really until MH370 went missing and they were talking about the Marianas or whatever the trenches and they were explaining the challenger deep went down. Yeah. They were showing it with, uh, using the Empire State Building and how many of those it would take stacked on top of each other.

Mm-hmm. . And it was, that's when it first kind of hit me. Yeah. You know, I obviously, we knew the ocean's deep, but I mean, to put it into layman's terms per like that and go, holy Yeah. Balls, they were 13,000 feet underneath. Mm-hmm.  . The ocean in failed Boeing parts that they bought at half price because they hadn't passed the inspection for Boeing airplanes.

They weren't good enough to go up in the air, but we're going to put it down at the highest pressures. And also like you have different coefficients of materials that don't go together and then you're putting immense amounts of pressure on them. Like that just doesn't work in, any capacity. Like. I don't understand why they would have thought that that was a good idea.

 So I think I was on the flight getting ready to go to New York when it happened, because all I could think about was, Oh my God, Aly and Travis are stuck on a cruise ship watching these people be lost under the water. Well, it's funny because we were in a room where. Okay, we're, we've never been on a princess cruise before, and, um, we enjoyed our experience, but it was a little bit different than we were initially thinking it was gonna be, um, and one of the things was just like the differences in entertainment, and so our room, like, It's got a few shows on it.

Honestly, we watched a lot of cheers, which was great. Nice. I love Ted Danson so much. I love cheers too. We started, we were watching that too. I think while you guys were going, yeah,  that's so funny. It's so good, isn't it? So anyway, we watched a lot of those types of shows, um, that were preloaded onto the, you know, stateroom television.

Um, but other than that, you pretty much just got like the bridge cam, some preloaded shows, the news. And, you know, a couple other things. So we, we watched a lot of the news because this was everything that was going on. And it got to the point where it was just like.  Oh my gosh, like what's happening now?

Like we have to turn on the news and see, and you know, we're cruising through Alaska. So as much as there are lots of beautiful things to look at, there was also a lot of downtime because you know, it's cold out.  I mean the weather was absolutely beautiful, but when the ship's moving, you know, you're going 22 knots or whatever.

No, it was probably more like 18, but it was still like super, super windy and we're on the 16th deck. Yeah. So we're like, Um, all right, we're going to, um, take a little breather and go check the news.  And so it became like this saga of trying to, follow what was happening. And you guys are at sea at sea.

So yeah, like, so the visualization of that was a little bit more real. I was like,  Oh no. And here's the thing. I love the ocean. I absolutely adore snorkeling. I don't, I've never been scuba diving. And I'm not going to say like, never say never. I do think that I would have some sort of, um, anxiety to overcome just because you're putting yourself in a situation that your body isn't like naturally supposed to be in, but I think it'd be worth it to see, you know, what's, what's down there, but only to like. 

I'm not trying to go like, are you kidding me? Like, show me a shipwreck. That's like, uh, right there. I can see it without the goggles and then I'll be good.  Hunter killer. No, it's with, um, Gerard Butler, but he's like a submarine captain and the whole thing, the graphics are awesome. Oh, wow. Um,  Yeah, I mean, I'm holding my breath from the moment they go down there and close that hatch.

Oh, absolutely not. I cannot, I just don't get it. Yeah. And then there were like news, news  people that were coming out and um, speculating that Stockton probably told them to go to sleep because Explorers know, and PH would have said the same thing because like he's been down there countless times. That when you sleep everything slows down in your body and it conserves oxygen so and it was just so funny because here we are like cruising on a boat in the middle of the ocean and who are we with? 

Retired defense folks who have spent time on various vessels that I will not mention. Yeah, but it was funny because You know, we'd go to dinner and we'd be like, okay, here's what's going on now. And then,***  would be would be like. “Oh, yeah, they're going to suffocate down there,” like super matter of fact.

And, um, you know, he's going through like all, all the mechanics of it. And it's just fascinating to hear. And then we'd hear the same thing, like from the Coast Guard later on on the news. And we're like,  we already knew that we're smarter than you. No, but it was, it was crazy. And then of course, ultimately like super sad once it got to be Thursday.

Thursday. Yeah. And it was like, okay, yeah, we, we found the parts. Um, yeah. And, but again, like  we had a feeling cause that Coast Guard guy that came out, yeah. Oh, he knew he knew he, okay. Well, obviously he knew, but also he had no poker face at all. They should have sent someone else. That's what he was just like.

Yeah, I can't even lie. He's like we're gonna we're gonna continue to look as long as there's hope we'll search for these folks Meanwhile, he's not saying that there is any but you know, they're f**king gone We found a debris field and I just can't tell you because of national security or whatever. But yeah, I don't know.

It's It's crazy. You wouldn't do it.  No, how f**k no. Yeah me neither. No like  I mean, first of all, um, billionaires are such assholes. I mean, not all of them, but the majority of them are such assholes. And you know how I feel about that. Yeah. And I just think that, um, the arrogance that like you can.  You can skirt all of the all of the prequisites.

Yeah that everybody else has to go through just because you're rich and you can build it. It's like it's it's to me it's like and I'm not knocking Elon Musk or SpaceX  because I think that no no because I'm  that's one of the one things I think that he has done what Well, because I think when we start going, NASA starts going to the moon, they need the private sector to be able to, they can go so much faster and advance so much faster because they don't have to deal with red tape.

Like, yeah, the government does, whereas the private sector can,  but then you have instances like this show you exactly why these motherf**kers need to be regulated just like everybody else. Yeah. And I don't understand why,  I mean. At the time at, at the time that this was happening, First of all, like, Russia and Ukraine are on the border of like, bringing us into the conflict.

So, that's huge. Then you got the wildfires from Canada that are turning New York orange. Orange. And it looks like an apocalypse. Insane.  And, and we're all glued to the TV. Like, look at these five billionaires that went down into a tube. And then I'm like 551 people just sank the date, like two days before.

I'm like, nobody gives a f**k about them. And they're like, well, they were migrants like trying to flee.   Yeah. Are you f**king serious? It's 

absolutely insane to me. Like, again, it just goes back to greed. 551 & we're just like, we cannot get enough of the, and it's like, you you wanted a firsthand experience. 

Of the Titanic, and you got it, baby. Like, you got... Yeah. I know. You got the most realistic experience of all. On top of that, you know, not that I would ever, ever, ever wish any harm on anyone. And that, and I, yeah, and I don't mean that. I just... But like, damn. But yeah. Like, what painlessly.  And just done, like your pain receptors don't even recognize what's happening to you before you're already goo.

Like, that's insane. That like, I cannot even.  My brain cannot compute, does not compute, but, error error. But - the death is instantaneous. But how long did they know that they were lost? That's true. Yeah. Because  there was different reports of like the banging sounds. Were they manmade? Were they organic? Right.

You know, that signature, that marker that was consistent with an implosion, and what that entailed. Like. I, I would be curious to fly on the wall in some of the debriefings. Now I'm saying that like, I'm, I'm yelling from a soapbox and I'm like, there's 551 migrants. Meanwhile, I was like, “what, do they find it yet?”

“How much time is left and how much oxygen do they have left? What are their resources? Each one of them holds their breath for 30 seconds. How much longer would that give them?” Like, I mean, I was glued to it too. So, well then, okay. So this blog that I was telling you about this guy ends up going on. The Titan submersible, the same one, they end up obviously not going down because there's issues.

And that was, I mean, if they had, that would have been him. So that's crazy. So like the whole video, he's very like reverent about that. And,  it's just a really interesting kind of perspective to see. But, um, he, he brought food with him, right? His girlfriend packed him three. Big chocolate chip cookies and two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 

And he ate everything but one cookie before he got on the sub. So, cause you have to get weighed with everything that, that you go on this, vessel with. And so if I'm just thinking, okay, well, even if. You had practiced some restraint and you didn't eat those two sandwiches, three cookies.

How long is that really going to last you? Yeah, I mean, I know your body can handle it, but what is the mental load of we're bolted in? We're stuck at this depth. We have no food. Yeah, we have no water. F**king freezing down here. We have the shit next to each other. Yeah.  Yeah, I mean I excuse me Charles. I need to shit.

can you scoot over two inches?  also, I mean It just seems like if you want adventure, there's a lot of things you could do. I, you just couldn't pay me enough money to do that. Well, you know, you know, like when you go on a flight, let's say,  you trust that the airlines have gone through every single before that plane is even allowed on the tarmac, it has to go through countless amounts of tests.

And then  once it's on the tarmac. And the pilots in there, they have to go through every single list, one by one, and make sure that everything is perfect. 

So first of all, they started with failed Boeing airplane part. I can't get over that, but I understand like, okay So the fiberglass can be cheaper because it failed it but it's still you know, right tough enough that it could handle the pressure So yeah, of course, we're gonna pay half off, you know Yeah, right get that concept and I get cut, you know I get some cutting corners and then it's like  we're gonna use a video game controller - that blew my mind!!

All right We all grew up playing video games, okay? And most of us had wireless controllers And most of us know how many times those things go out. Yup. Like, how many times there's something for no reason whatsoever Even if the batteries are working, this motherf**ker's dead now. It's done. And I don't care if you have 13 video game controllers in there.

Nope. You're operating this thing with a video game controller. That's number two. Yeah. Number three was that they didn't do any, they didn't pass any of the tests. No. I don't. Yeah. Also, can we just take a quick moment to admire the juxtaposition of This gorgeous ship, this beautiful disaster that happened, this graveyard for, you know, tons of people that it was just like horrific and sad and like just truly awful.

And then now there's a freaking Nintendo controller down there.  Like, really? Like,  we have to, we have, we just, as humans, we just have to f**king put our shit in everything. Do you think it's karma? Do you think it's karma because the rich people got off the Titanic first?  Oh my God. And so it's like, all right, well, that's pretty crazy.

up back then. So we'll get, we'll trade you five billionaires. We don't get you. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. I mean, everything I, I truly do believe that things can come back around and, you know, you put. When you put out into this world and you're probably going to get some of that back So you better be putting good good things out there.

Yeah, but yeah, I mean it's just it's sad to think about  and we really do like want to be respectful probably hasn't really sounded like it up until then, but let's be honest. I mean, they made choices and everyone that went on to that vessel knew what they were getting to besides the kid. I do feel bad about that because you know, his family coming out and saying that he didn't even want to go.

That broke my heart. It's hard because, because there was another kid who convinced his dad not to go. they're the ones who took their place. What? Oh, you didn't know that part know that part So the people  the young kid that was on there Uh, who didn't want to go,  there was another kid who was like 17 years old.

I he was younger though. He was, he was like in that range  and he did his own investigation. A 17 year old kid knew that a video game controller and failed Boeing parts was enough for him to plead with his dad and be like, please, I don't have a good feeling about this to the point where.

Who's the, who's the Stockton Stockton flew out to them, met with them, took them out to this fancy dinner, begged them that,  that it was, it was secure and it was safe and, and he understood their concerns, but that, you know, they'd done all of the testing that they felt they needed to feel comfortable enough to go down there. 

And at the end of the day.  This guy said, I, I listened to my son , the son goes,  one kid begged his dad. Not to go and we're alive and one kid begged his dad not to go and they're gone and he's like There's no way I can't live with that for the rest of my life.

Yeah, and  that's insane  But and you know you think about some of the things that they put out on their socials and  You had to have known I mean, I didn't even know that they existed before this incident. Yeah, I mean 

 Bad press is still press. I mean, I don't know, but some of the videos didn't hurt also that, you know, that  Stockton suns out there at a blink one 82 concert, I don't know if it was, I think it was somebody else's. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, that was a whole other thing. I mean, we are a music podcast. I brought, I guess I should have probably brought that up first,  but like what do you do?


things.  Okay. That was too, that was too far.  But this waiver that they have to sign, it's.  That's in there. It's in there. It's experimental. Three times. You could die. Death. You could die multiple times. Three times. Serious injury or bodily harm. Multiple times. Mental repercussions. I mean, you're trapped.

You're bolted in a small space. I bet you there are freaking like big army dudes that would break in a situation like that like I yeah, I mean I couldn't do it I wouldn't do it. No, I would rather I had this conversation the other day.  If it came down to it, like I'm not I have no urge to jump out of a plane - like it's just not my jam, but I love heights.

So It wouldn't be the end of the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If somebody told me, you either have to do A or B, and A was jump out of a plane, and B was go cave diving. I would say, uh, put me in the plane. Yeah. Yep. Immediately. Yep. Because I don't, I just don't, I don't undergrounds. 

No, absolutely not. I won't even do like the super touristy, like uplighting, you know, explore Ruby Caves, all this stuff. No, Uhuh not happening. Not happening here. I can't do it. And the same thing, I took my dog to the park the other day. Yeah.  And this  lady's like, careful. Mm-hmm. saw a baby cotton mouth up there.

Stop it.  The little yellow tail, that's how you know they're real bad. Yeah, like, well see, I didn't know, like, I don't think I'd ever seen a baby cop mount, but I was just like, Oh, thanks for letting us know. So we're going to get the hell out of here. Yeah. And my nephew's in the water.  And I'm like, why don't you get out of the water, bud? 

And I kid you not, he screams.  And like a high pitched scream. I'm like, dude, don't do that. That's embarrassing. You know, there's other people here. I'm like, yeah, the water get out of the water He's like snake  and I look down. I'm like it's a stick or something. Yeah, and we look down and had like, uh floated down and was like right under this like tree.

Mm hmm  and uh  Nope, I can't do it. I cannot do it. And here's the thing when I first my point is like I won't even go there anymore. No, just because of that one snake. I'm done. I'm like you lost me Can you imagine what is underground in my geology class in college? We learned about the different layers of the earth We learned about like all these different things and parts of the crust blah blah blah all this stuff So  I will never forget this  We talked about, the great extinction, whatever happened, happened, bing, bang, boom.

There's, you can see it in the layers of the earth. Like it's been studied that there were small rodents that thrived during that period because they were able to burrow.  Under the surface and because of their capabilities to do that, they were able to outlive everybody else.  So can you imagine? Same goes for sea animals, of course, because they, you know, but can you imagine what is living in those caves?

I'm sorry. Call me a conspiracy theorist. Call me whatever you want. Call me cuckoo for cocoa puffs.   I mean, it sounds crazy, but there are weirder things. Have you seen an anglerfish at the bottom of the ocean? I know. If somebody, if somebody brought that up in the 17th century and said, Oh, look at what I found. It's an alien. What the f**k is that?

Yeah. Like, can you imagine what is, yeah, no, it's not happening. That's going to be a no for me, dog. No capes. Do you know some, some like good news that I heard? What? Um,  you know how hot it's been getting? Yeah. Um, oh, how was Glacier Bay, by the way? I'm sorry. Sorry. That's a touchy subject. Damn, you know, I came in here all positive and like, I realize how, how negative I am with that.

Glacier Bay. First of all, none of us, we're all really sorry about... All of the souls, the migrants and the billionaires and anybody that died at.  At all. Absolutely. Yeah. No. I mean. I just hit a blanket. Like anybody ever. Anybody that died ever. Up until this second right now. We're sorry for everybody that's died.

We are sorry for your loss. Um, yeah, I mean it's definitely a sensitive subject, but obviously there is respect there for the people that have passed. For sure. We're just assessing the situation and saying why we would never do it. Yeah. So, casual. You know, fiberglass body, that the fact that you're bolted in there, and a video game controller would be our top three.

That's that's yeah,  I'm good. I'm good on that. You know, like go on a glass bottom boat. Go  to the Bahamas. That would be cool. Get you a little glass kayak or something like that and, and, you know, explore that. I mean, there's so many parts of this world. You mean to tell me that those people on that boat had seen so much else of this earth that they decided that this was an absolute priority.

You mean to tell me you've seen every corner of every country. I didn't even know that Alaska existed. Before, no, I'm just kidding. But I know what you mean though. Like you don't think about it because you don't know what you don't know. That's right. And so you go and you're like, Oh damn, like I need to try.

I literally left, came back and was like,  should I book another flight somewhere else? Cause I got the bug now. I want to see more. I think my question  is why? Yeah. Yeah. Like, why? I know.  Well, because of the Titanic. Well, that's great. There was a movie made about it. Mm hmm. That was amazing. Yeah, and James Cameron went down like 33 times.

James you can watch it on IMAX. Yeah. Like, why do you need to go down there? I don't know. Just to see. Say that you did like, it's weird because you can go up to Gatlinburg and they have half of the Titanic right there and for 30 bucks, you can see what it actually looks like. Oh my God. That's great. You know what I'm saying?

Hell yeah. Come to Pigeon Forge. It's fine. Pigeon Forge. 30 bucks. You can actually walk on the Titanic. You can walk on the Titanic. Go to the upside down house while you're there. Oh my God. Did you go in there? Yeah. I've never been in there. I want to every time I pass it. The guy that like started that whole thing wanted to invest in me when I first started, he was like going to buy me a bus and everything. 

I just put his mic down and walked away. You know why I said no? Why? Cause I didn't want to play festivals.  We're such a diva. I'm such a spoiled f**king brat.  But, you know, I don't know, it just, could you imagine me playing a NASCAR festival?

 I mean, yeah. How y'all do it? No! You could. They'd be like, Who is this lady? Why is she trying to sing us ballads? We want to hear a song about beer. So, That's a whole other whole we will go down. But it won't be today because we have come to the end of our journey. And we Are glad it's not at the bottom of the sea. I was gonna say that. I'm gonna take that out. I was gonna say that. That's too far.

Oh my gosh. You said we'd come to the end of our journey, and I was like, as did Titan. Oh, geez. R. I.  P. Well, you know what? Under the sea. Under the sea. Under the demonetized.  love you guys. Thanks for listening. make sure you let us know how you feel because we know you guys have probably just as strong opinions as we do.

So we want to hear all about it and uh, we'll see you in the next one. Bye. Peace. Oh wait. Wait. No! We just went!  Go back. Go back. Say it again. Uh, oh no, they're getting this. They're getting this. I say bye. Peace.  Bye guys.  

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