the nashtea podcast

get on the bus, gus

Aly Jordan & Ty Williams Season 3 Episode 7

In this episode we hop on a bus and ride an hour to downtown. We discuss our thoughts on the overall accessibility, bus stop options, cleanliness, transit politics, our likeliness to use the metro again, and more.

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Hey everybody, what's up? And welcome back to the nashtea your favorite music city podcast. I am Aly here with Ty as always. What's up everybody? today we did something rather adventurous of us.  And again it feels like, feels a little privileged to be able to say that because I know people have to do it every day, but I've never had to take the bus and we took the bus. 

We did. And I'm glad because I got out of my box and it was a cool experience and we're going to have a lot more bus travel coming at Nashville, Tennessee, since we kind of, uh, got skirted from the subway system ideas.  We would have had to lay that groundwork like 10 years ago, but when it was proposed the first time.

But yeah. So I just like, you know, you think about how, like, I'm super grateful that I have a car and I can go wherever I need to, but bus transportation is important to a city's infrastructure. And today we wanted to try it out for ourselves.  Since there have been some changes recently, uh, just sort of to get reacquainted with it.

So it was a, it was a rather fun trip. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I watch these buses every day as we're going into work and they, Mm-Hmm, you know, they're in our lives. Like we see these purple, we go buses, we go everywhere we go. And so we decided, we were like, we went, we, we went and we conquered and, uh, it was great.

It was a really, really cool experience. Like you said, we're fortunate, um, to have our own vehicles, you know, I can understand in like our household, for example, we have two cars, three adults.  So, um, that leaves one  person short, right, right, right. So luckily we do most of the things together. Um, so rarely need all three vehicles, but.

When you do,  it's helpful to know you have options. It was crazy. It was an option that was always there. Only we never entertained it before because I'm just like, ah, it's the boss. I think a lot of people think that we're like, ah, it's the boss.  So  not to be rude, but there have been over the last few weeks since mayor Freddie O'Connell proposed his new, um, 3.

1 billion.  Wow. That's a lot of money. Yeah. Um, plan for, for sidewalk.  My miles and miles of sidewalks to be added 86 new buses as you were talking a couple new hubs Rail is not coming here  Which is unfortunate. Yeah, you know, I wish we were more European like just in general around this country Like could you imagine being able to just like hop on a high speed train right in Chicago in no time?

That'd be crazy. Amazing. Yeah. Just to have the option to be like, all right, we're going to go to Atlanta and we can be there in an hour. Let's go. You know what I mean? Um,  saying all of that though, I, I've never ridden the bus on a daily basis. However, I have friends that do, uh, not many, but I have a few friends that, um, like especially in Richmond.

Um, and we all work together and, um,  So I would always drive into the job site. The  majority of them took the bus in and I never thought about it. Like not once did I, I guess when they got there, I didn't in the back of my mind, I was like, ah, it sucks. You got to ride the bus every morning. You got to get there an hour earlier than I leave.

You know what I mean? Like it's a whole thing. Oh yeah, absolutely. You got to like rework your schedule because you're on literally someone else's schedule. Exactly. Yeah. So this was great for us to get out. I really wanted to do it myself. And since this is going to be. How we get around our town in the future.

Um, we wanted to experience it for ourselves and Mayor Freddie is encouraging all Nashvillians to take the bus.  That's great. After he said that  three weeks in a row, there were stabbings on the bus. So we weren't quite sure what to expect is basically kind of where we're going. Yeah. So first I want to be like, Mayor Freddie, you take the bus every day.

And I like you, man. Like I, I really do. I think you're a visionary. I think you want to help the city out, but you promised light rail. You're not bringing light rail. So now I say you liar,  but no, um, great experience overall. I'm so glad. Uh, we did it and I'm glad we went together because I think I would have been confused otherwise.

Well, I mean, it's just one of those things where it made it go by faster. I think our route was supposed to be like between 47 and 52 minutes. Um, it felt like it took no time at all. Like I really, I took a screenshot of the time when we first got there and I was so excited by the time we got to Broadway that I totally got there so much faster than we thought.

And so we didn't even look at the time, but  it had to have been less than 50 minutes.  So we're going with 45.  There's a lot of different areas in town that you can get the bus. Of course, there's tons of different bus stops. Um, we'll show you right here, the map, so you can be looking while we're talking for you guys.

Um, we elected to hop on at the Kroger and West Nashville Bellevue area. Correct. The, the Kroger at old Hickory and.  Highway 70 South. Gotcha. And we took the Highway 70 South all the way up to downtown, which was cool. Or like that route. I don't know if that's. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Cause we went, we went straight down 70 South until it turns into West End.

So you go right by, uh, Bellmead. You go by, uh, St. Thomas Midtown. You go by, um, you cross White Bridge  and, uh,  Yeah, we did. We went straight down West End, didn't we? Yeah. The whole way down.  Yeah. That's actually pretty cool. Now that I think about it. We didn't make another turn. We just did a straight shot downtown.

Yeah. And there was one point where we kind of came down over the hill in the Bellevue area into Bellmead and like you could see the skyline in the distance and I was like, okay, that's pretty cool. That's pretty cool, you know? Yeah. Um, I quite enjoyed the experience. Uh, like I said, the trip was shorter than it needed to be.

I'm sure in traffic and like that flexes and um, you know, you're never quite sure like exactly how long it's going to take. Right. Plus I'm, I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to like just miss the flight. The bus and then have to wait for another one, 30  minutes you're just sitting there. Yeah.

Yeah. That would be super frustrating. Um, but other than that, like we went during the day, I felt super safe. The bus stop was clean. There was a bench and a cover. So it was, it was a nice day, but it was still sunny. So it was nice to have some sort of protection from the sun. Um, we just kind of hung out there for what, maybe five minutes or so.

Yeah.  And then the bus rolled on by and when it pulled up to us. I didn't realize this until we were actually on the bus, but the whole thing kind of just like, and it like buses on hydraulics,  pulls up to the stop. It'll lower itself to be at, at the level of the sidewalk. Yeah. So you're just walking straight onto the bus.

I wonder if that just makes for a smoother ride or it's like a accessibility thing. Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure it's a little bit of everything. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. But when we saw the lady get on with the wheelchair.  I was like,  then, then you could see what the purpose was. The hydraulics lowered and the stairs turned into a ramp.

And I was just like, wow,  this is crazy. It was definitely, um, it was good to see. Cause I feel like we kind of covered all, all the bases there as far as like a day trip. Um, the bus was clean and the windows were down. So the, the airflow was nice. Um, yeah, I mean, it just overall was a good experience. The driver was helpful because we elected to pay with cash and of course now it's important to note that they're not able to give change anymore.

So, uh, you know, she kept my dollar, but while we're on that topic,  The reason that Aly and I really wanted to try this was not only is Mayor Freddie, our mayor, um, encouraging Nashvillians to take public transportation. Uh, so we wanted to see what it was all about, but also, um,  the main thing for, for most Nashvillians is for us not going downtown is the parking.

Oh my gosh. Yeah. So like you're a local, you're paying the taxes. We're getting hit at a 10%, almost 10 percent sales tax, um, and, uh, 3%, 6 percent and nine point something percent. That's 9. 75%. 9. 75. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And if you ask someone from Nashville, Oh, I'm going downtown. Where should I park?

Everybody has an answer because  there are specific places that you go and you get like a better deal or like the walkability is better or you pay. So everyone has an opinion, but this kind of just like waves all that away and you can just hop on a bus. And so, so Aly and I both live about.  10 minutes outside of downtown.

Um,  with light without traffic, but 10 minutes outside. Yeah, that's accurate. Yeah. Um, within three minutes you can see the skyline. Let's put it that way. And, uh,  for us to Uber it downtown, it's approximately between, it's between 15 and 20  each way. So crazy. So that's, you're looking at, you know, 30 to 40, um,  Uber fees  for a night out.

So let's say 40 cause typically it'll be 20 down, 20 back. Yeah. Then.  You go down there to park with your own vehicle.  And let's just say nothing's going on. Let's pretend like there's no concerts, which never happens here. Let's pretend that it's just a dead night. You're going to pay 30 for parking. Yeah.

Easy. Probably 40. Unless you're okay to walk. In which case there are spots you can pay cash, like 10 bucks and walk,  but if you want to just go downtown, be there underneath the building underneath, pop right up. Yeah. You're looking at 40 bucks. Yeah. So that's 40 bucks for Uber. there and back. That's 40 bucks for parking when you go downtown. 

And how much did the bus cost? Two dollars, two dollars, two dollars,  two dollars. So pay cash or you could pay with your change, right? So drive yourself and pay 40.  Take an Uber, pay 40  or take the bus and pay for I think that's the way we're going to go back. Yeah.  Yeah. And another thing we did go in the middle of the day, like you said, so we did go when it was probably less crowded.

I know those morning buses are standing room only, so that's a different experience. I'm sure that's now I rode the subway, you know, I used to ride the subway into Manhattan when I go visit my sister and I wrote him with my brother in law a few times. He works in Manhattan and  I don't ever want to do that again. 

I don't ever want to be on a subway train in the morning going in during rush hour to New York City. It was, it's tight.  Like when people are like, gosh, how does it spread so fast? That's how it spreads. So that's how a virus spreads that fast because we're like, You're like, knees the nuts. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?

Like, everybody's like, Mm-Hmm. half sitting on somebody else's lap. Mm-Hmm. And then you got a crotch in your face here, and you got ass cheeks right here. Yeah. And you're just like, yeah, you're lucky to find a, a wall that you can like lean up against. And, and then, and there's always that person in. There's like,  oh my gosh.

And, and like, everybody on the train can just see the particles and you're like, we're all infected. We all, we're all dying. Yeah.  Flickering fluorescent lights. So anyway, so I'm sure the bus is that way. Probably it peak hours more similar. Like I've, you can go on the app and it'll tell you whether it's standing room only if there's seats, you know, how busy it is.

Um, that's a good point too. Like the whole app thing. That's a really nice feature that they have that. Yeah. You can check each spot and if, and if the bus is delayed by two minutes, it'll change it for you on the app. Yeah. So you do have, you do know, you know, at least you're not sitting there like we said earlier, waiting for 30 minutes wondering what's going on.

Yeah. It tells you like,  um, and you can pay through the app as well. And you can pay through the app. So I think that would be the way to go next time. Since we actually enjoyed it, I would, um, I'd get the app and load up the  50 bucks, maybe 20 bucks on the card and it gives us what two years of life.  Yeah.

I mean, that's, it's such a great deal truly. And the ride was nice. And I mean, listen, I know I'm sure it's different if there's traffic and it's hot and everything, but uh, we, maybe we just got lucky, but I was, I was not expecting to have the experience that we did. It was sunny and 80 degrees today for those who are wondering, you know, going back to the cleanliness.

Of the bus trip,  they get a bad rap and I'm sure, I'm sure there are some questionable places, right? That, yeah, let's just, okay. Let's just talk about Nashville's buses. Cause we shouldn't be comparing to anybody else. Yeah.  Um, I was a little worried  it was going to be a city bus. Like it was going to have bubble gum everywhere and  garbage all over the floor.

Yeah. You know, it looked like it hadn't been hosed down in a while.  We got on there and. Surprisingly, it was extremely clean, like way cleaner than, um,  than Spirit Airlines  way cleaner.  No, no, no, but, but there was no trash. Um, it didn't smell funky, but I was a little concerned because I've been on. New York City buses.

I've been on Richmond buses and they're a little questionable sometimes. Mm hmm Well, it's just like you're transporting all these different types of people and coming from different jobs. So yeah, right exactly Yeah, I get it. So  As far as that's concerned, it was immaculate. Yeah. I mean, my opinion, like I, it's so much so that they had like fabric seats. 

I was, I was not expecting that. I was expecting like full on plastic. Absolutely. You can hose it down. Yes. Yeah, exactly. Um, and they were, I mean, they were plastic with a, like a fabricate cover, but I mean, it was still like, you know, yeah. And it wasn't a double decker, but it had a layer up. Like you had to step up to get, so of course me being five, I was like, let's sit in the back.

Yeah. It was more like a ride. Set up high.  Um, yeah, I mean, I, I  again, the bus is kind of like a roller coaster because if you're in the front of the roller coaster, most people think that's the best place to be. Right. Right. That's where I always wanted to be. Cause you get to see everything first and you're, yeah.

Yeah. Feel the wind and everything. Yep. But then my aunt and uncle told me the secret. And they were like, it's actually the last car because you get all the free, yeah, you get the, the G forces, the whips, the like, yeah, it's the last one to get pulled. But when you go around that corner, you're being exactly.

Um, that's kind of what the second row of the bus was like,  well,  uh, yeah, but, um, What did you think? Um,  when we got to Metro center, when we got to the hub where the buses are in downtown Nashville, you kept saying where we were going and me, like, I just didn't  couldn't picture it and I hadn't been there before.

So then when we pulled in, I was like, Oh, this makes sense. It's a, it's literally a hub. Um, like I'd never been in, I've driven past it. Yeah. And so we see like, Oh, that's where the buses go. Never thought I'd,  Yeah. Yeah. No, it was, uh, when I, we first pulled in, I was like, Oh, this is great. Like the, there's Metro police here.

Like it's a safe place. And then we walked into the Dunkin Donuts that was at the hub and she, it was locked and we're, so we just kind of walked away. And then this lady comes running over, Kimberly was so excited.  She comes running over. She was like, Oh, I'm so sorry. Like we can let you in if you want to buy something, but then we have to lock the door behind you because they're, they're just keeps.

Be an altercations here  and we're like, Oh my gosh, the other night on the news, they're fighting down here. I said, yes, I didn't know what she was talking about, but I just said yes. And she said, uh,  same ones, same ones back in here again. I had to teach him a lesson  and I was like, uh, Kimberly, you sure did.

Yeah. I mean, Kimberly, Kimberly, so Kimberly and Melissa, Missy, Missy, Kimberly and Missy at the Dunkin Donuts at metro center.  They're the coolest. Yeah. They're the best. I can only imagine. I will go back just for those two because they're hilarious. Oh, for sure. And like, just to think about what they see on a daily basis, they definitely deserve a raise, uh, because they had a smile on their face through more than happy to help us.

And um, Duncan, you got to get Kimberly and Missy a raise. I'm telling you, it is so worth it because they sold us on Duncan. Yeah. They weren't even going to get,  I was just like, Oh, we're so friendly. So like, Yeah. It was great. Locked doors and all. I was like, all right, we're good. We're doing it. Yeah. You know, I wish, I don't know how big corporations like that do it.

How do you find that one employee that's actually really good  and treat them maybe a little bit better than I mean, I think a lot of it is through reviews and surveys. And if you leave names, yeah, for sure. We should do that. And that's why they incentivize you with it. You know, like things that you can get for free,  um, cause they, they want feedback.

That's not just bad for you. Cause you know, it's like Yelp. Like if you go somewhere and you have a great meal, maybe if you Yelp or do reviews often, you might be inclined to, you know, leave them a good review, but most of the time it's bad. They're like,  that's true. If you're going to take the time to write something, it's usually cause you're mad about it.

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So in this case. It was the opposite. Uh, yeah, for sure. No, we'll definitely, and it was awesome. And again, like, I just, I can't even imagine the things that they see. So thank you. Shout out to you girls for doing such a great job. Kimberly and Missy, you're the best. Best.  And we're, we're, Aly is a person of her word.

She told you she would give you a shout out on the podcast and here she is, listen, two hours later giving you a shout out on the, they were like, you should tell corporate. And I was like, I'm going to, you're like, Oh, I'm going to tell a lot more than corporate.  This baby's going on the internet.  Oh man. Um, no, but it was good because then we got to get our drinks.

So we, you know, just needed a nice little refresher to, uh, walk through downtown and We went all the way down through Printer's Alley and then headed out, why can't I talk today? We went through Printer's Alley. Yep. And then we went down, uh, past Assembly Food Hall and Correct the Ryman and Bridgestone.

Um, we actually got to walk past the old arcade, um, not like video arcade, but the old arcade, which is a two story shops and all this stuff. Mm-Hmm. . They had it open today, which was cool. I wanted to walk through there, but. A part of me didn't because.  Oh, and nostalgic purposes. You're like, what did they do to it?

Yeah. Well, we'll just because, okay. So they had like a peanut store in there. I know. I'm like, no, the peanut store is still there. Oh, is it still there? Well, as of last year, it was there. Nashville. Okay. Okay. Cool. Cool. Cool. All right. So I really liked that place. There was, uh, um, and ice cream shop that place gone pizza place gone.

Uh,  And then what was the other one that was like one of my favorites in the,  I don't know, but I can't seem to keep anything in there. And it's like, it's hard. It isn't like kind of a weird spot. Is that where the guy with the megaphone was?  Um, where was the guy with the microphone?  No, no, no. That was, that was, uh, that was when we got down to, uh, Oh, the arcade was up higher.

Yeah, yeah. Like in printer's alley. Yeah. Yeah. Remember when we were walking? It was like across from Woolworths. Yeah. There was like this long tunnel. That's what I mean. There used to be all these restaurants and stuff in there. Oh man. I would have made you go in the peanut place. So if I thought about it, I should have.

But um,  anyway,  A lot of mom and pop shops in there, but they were, they're used to serve the people that worked in the metro area right there. Um, you know, everybody in those nine to five, eight to five jobs with their suits on and everything, you know, like that's where they would go for lunch. And then it became the art crawl.

So once a month they would do the art crawl and  the second floor artists would rent out  the rooms.  And then you could just, um, there's an art gallery right next to Woolworths before you go into the arcade.  And when my parents first came here, now I'd never been to an art crawl. Like I'm not, it's not my thing, but my mom and dad were thinking about moving down here.

Um,  and so, My mom had read somewhere. There's this heart crawl. You want to go do it?  I was like,  sure. And she said, yeah,  she was like, they give you free wine. And I was like, I'm in. And so, um, you start out at the art gallery, they give you some wine. You're just walking around looking at all these like beautiful paintings and sculptures and stuff.

And then. You can walk into the arcade and it's just hundreds of people going into all these little galleries. It's awesome. Like it really is cool. It's something that we should go do that one night. I haven't done that literally in 20 years, but it would be awesome. I'm just trying to think cause I'm, I'm literally playing a gig.

That's an art crawl. I have a date in July and a day in August. I wonder if it's the same one. Yeah. Is that the same one? Oh, please. Let me see. Wait. Let me see. Let me see.  Guys, I'm the worst. You playing makes me so happy.  Yay. It gets me, like, motivated.  Oh my gosh. Okay. Yep. July 6th. Okay. And August 3rd. July 6th and August 3rd.

I don't have a time yet, but I'll definitely be there. July 6th, August.  That is just,  I try to stay inside during August. Um, I think I will be inside. Oh, then then. Okay.  I'll let you know after the July one. July 6th at the show vet. Yes. Yeah. Guys meet me there. What time? So yet?  No, not yet. Okay. We're, we'll put a time up and I want you to meet me there 10 minutes before it starts. 

Oh, I'll meet you right outside the doors and we'll all going together. Oh my God.  Where? Aly Jordan merch. Oh no. Make sure you go by either Nash t Merch or you buy Alley Jordan Merch. Merch. And we are gonna, we're gonna show out.  I'm just gonna be doing some hot rock chill stuff. It'll be like a nice summer day dude.

The mafia will. Has nothing on the group that we're going to bring to the show that on the July 6th.  I'm serious. Like now I'm, now this is going to be my thing where I'm going to call everybody. I know I'm like, let's just  this whole night and pack an art gallery.  All for you. Drink some wine and look at some art. 

Let's go. No, I'm actually really excited. I'm so proud of you. That's awesome. Oh, it's just going to be a fun. It's a good way to support the arts and I'm looking forward to it. So awesome. That'd be good. Yeah. Hell yeah. But yeah, I mean, July 6 show that be there.  Or you're not my friend anymore. Are you just going to get you fired?

Um, just really, truly like taking the bus. I didn't realize how much stuff you would see. That's what, you know, sounds dumb, but like when you're driving, you don't really think about it. You kind of look around, but like you're focusing on not killing anybody or yourself. That's a great point. On the bus, you can just daydream and you can just.

Look around and find new bagel shops. And  I mean, Aly was so nice to bring star bagel today, which was amazing. And, um, you'll see that in another, another video, um, or maybe it's part of this one. I don't know,  but while we were to go to your point, while we were on the bus and we were hitting the Midtown area, um, she's right.

Like.  I drive these roads every, every day, but almost every day and a lot,  and  you really are so focused on other drivers on the road as you should be,  but you're so focused on You know, the road, other drivers, your phone. No, I'm just kidding. And, um, don't text and drive that you don't see, you miss a lot of stuff.

And so when you're on the bus and you just kind of relax the one, you're relaxed cause you're being chauffeured around. It's great. Yeah. But as we're passing Midtown or right before we got to Midtown, I looked to my right and there's a,  there's a really packed bagel shop and I'm like, yeah. So we were just talking about it this morning and like, I never would have seen it.

Had I not been on the bus and had a chance to be looking around. Yeah. Um, that was, it was, it was nice. And it was also nice to kind of feel like you're part of the city too. Definitely. I agree. Cause there were a lot of people in there that were going to their job, you know, or coming home from their job.

It again, it just, the whole. Experience made me feel very grateful for like, where we are in life, the opportunities that we have and the resources that we have. And, you know, kind of like, just really made me  take a moment and be like, wow, you know, things can be different. And, um, I'm thankful for our infrastructure and hopefully the improvements that will be done.

So more people can utilize the service because, you know, It's a great one and we're lucky to have it. Um, so yeah, I think it was a good experience for sure. Yeah. And to recommend it to visitors because you know, I wasn't, I wasn't sure whether I should or not. And where do people stay when they come to town?

They stay downtown of course, but they'll stay in the Gulch, they'll stay in Hillsboro, they'll stay 12 South. We're in this era of like trying new things. So hopefully you guys are enjoying it. Um, we definitely recommend the bus system and had a great experience with WeGo and um, the Metro Center and everything.

So. Thank you to all the folks that work there and drive the buses and do all that you do to keep our city running. We appreciate you. Um,  have a much, much, um, greater respect after that trip. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Um, and they are hiring. So if you're looking for work and that seems like something that you would want to do, um, you can visit the link down below and see what they're all about.

They seem to have some great benefits and don't know what they are starting rate is, but um, there's a lot of perks to working there. So if you are interested in looking, then you might want to check it out. There were so many moving parts that I didn't think about. And, and now it's like this whole thing. 

Um,  this, this whole transit system is like completely different in my mind. I was getting pretty angry that we weren't getting light rail. Um,  and saying that they could improve on the bus system. I was like, what bus system? Right. Because back in the day before it turned into go, it was  like the MT or something like Metro transit.

Um,  And it wasn't like  you didn't want to ride the bus, right? Yeah. And so I think that was kind of what encouraged us to get out. There was really, it was Mayor Freddie for me, at least, um, because he's, he's pushing it so hard that I was like, It's either, it's either going to be a crock and he's selling us a load of, and I wanted to tell you guys, like if we got on there and I was like, yo, it was a horrible experience because  over the last few weeks there have been some stabbings, there've been some incidents on the buses and it's like, and Mayor Freddie's still like, I encourage every Nashvillian and I'm like, you first, buddy.

You first. Right. You do it for this whole summer. And then if you make it, I'll go. We were prepared to be, but it was so not enjoying the whole process, but it was so not that. And so I'm glad that we did it for ourselves because it just like, like politics and like everything else, it goes to show you that like what people say, you got to go figure it out for yourself.

You got to just try it and see, because otherwise you're yourself because I wouldn't have gone for nothing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I appreciate Aly for taking the journey with me. She was amazing. We had fun. And. She hooked me up at Dunkin Donuts, so not a bad day at all. Um, make sure you use the app so you can get extra savings and potential free food and coffee.

Yeah.  This turned into a Dunkin ad. It really did. Give Kimberly & Missy a raise and also use the app.  Exactly. Yep. Well, we appreciate you guys for hanging around. Uh, hopefully you've enjoyed this informative episode of the nashtea. If you ride the bus, let us know, uh, how your bus experience is in any city, not just Nashville.

You can go from anywhere. Um, you can contact us at nashteapodcasts@gmail. com and we also have a contact form on our website, the nashtea. com if you want to say hello or subscribe. So, uh, yeah, we appreciate you guys doing it. We will see you next week for another exciting episode of the nashtea...  peace guys.


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