the nashtea podcast

you're a rich girl

Aly Jordan & Ty Williams Season 3 Episode 6

trivia time bitchessssss


00:01:30  Which MLB team did George Costanza work for?
00:02:14  What does the IRS acronym stand for?
00:03:56 What does a claustrophobic person fear?
00:05:24 Where is the Louvre?
00:07:30 Which singer is famously known as the man in black?
00:08:07 What is the technical term for the main body of an airplane?
00:09:34 What year was The Color Purple awarded the National Book Award?
00:11:22 Which camp was mentioned in "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah?"
00:12:43 What are the castles made of in Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now?"
00:14:45 Which of the following was not a Rolling Stones hit?
00:18:42 What did VP Marshall say this country needed?
00:22:00 What is the name of the weekly newspaper of the Falkland Islands?
00:24:05 Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are types of what?
00:25:45 Which state derives its name from the Indian name meaning "Long River?"
00:29:37 How much do I actually get?
00:30:34 Tesla rentals
00:32:15 New York voting on the Twin Towers location
00:33:10 Trump Impressions
00:34:00 Just George W. Bush things

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Hey, what's up everybody, and welcome back to the nashtea, your favorite music city trivia podcast. Cause today we're going to pretend that we are smart and we're gonna have fun doing it. We are playing Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Uh, yes. Welcome back Ty Williams as always. Hello everybody.  and as sometimes our fabulous co co, co co.

Coco co-host, sometimes julie Co. Co.  Co co  co-ho co-host. Yeah. Um, so how it's gonna go is that she's gonna read us questions and we are gonna answer them. And we're going to keep track of our own money or lack thereof.  Lucky you guys, you get to listen to and potentially see some of our answers. Our dumb assery. 

Exactly. All  right. Uh, give us a little bit of a hello. Hey there. How's it going? Hey, hey, how's it going? Spicy meatball. Spicy meatball.  We're doing trivia. All right, let's go. Always wanted to be on this game.  Speak for yourself. I'm scared. Oh, I've always wanted to do this. I'm so bad at these games.

We're doing it for real too. Okay. We're starting with 100. 100 on the board. Who wants 100? I do. I do. I do. Are you ready? Yeah. On the TV sitcom Seinfeld, which major league baseball team did George Costanzo work?  Do you guys even want the answer? No.  All right. Yeah.  Cardinals!! (Jokingly)

Oh, you got a drawing! Wow. All right. Fancy. The answer is the Yankees. Very good.  You guys win 100. 100. Put it in my piggy bank. Yes.  What do the initials IRS commonly stand for?  Do you want me to read the answers? Sure.  International rice standards,  Indian radish sandwich,  internal revenue service,  Irish rock song. 

Shipping out to Boston.  Oh, sorry. Are  we ready? Yeah.  Yay. Hey, smart. I said Internal Revenue Service. Oh, I said Internal Revenue Service. FU. Oh, wow. Wow. Despite that answer, you still win $200? Yes. So we're at 300 now? That's correct.  Very good. Oh! You add it? Yeah. I was just adding it to itself. Okay. I was going to do that too 

I was like, I think you get to add it. You get to add it and add it. Okay. I think I'm getting it now. How do you draw a pig? A pig!? Curly tail! The happy ears.  Alright. Are you ready? Are you still drawing a pig? That's a sausage pig. What? I put 300 in the piggy bank.  Wait, no, you have to show them the pig now.  Come on.

Come on. Slow reveal.  That's actually not bad. That's a great little piggy. Okay, go ahead. For 300. 300.  This could double your current amount. So it's 600? That's correct. Wow! Okay, but that's not the question. Okay, sorry. Okay. What does a claustrophobic person fear?  Confined spaces, cats, open spaces, or spiders? 

Why is confined spaces? Is it a tomb?  You are both.  Oh yeah, casket. Wait, it's $600. It's a tomb. Let's just go to the money gives in the tomb. But yeah, that's a tomb, a casket. Okay. We both set a box. Confined spaces, right?  Sure. We'll just, I, I'm just asking. Yeah, I think so too. I tombs are scary too. Tombs have like the thingy on top. 

They're just tombs are where that you store the caskets.  I think so. Yeah. And then like the pyramid,  but like normal people have a casket, right? Like, yeah.  Yeah. Also, those things are expensive. Like the people down the road that, you know, told us about. Thank you. Oh,  oh yeah. You're welcome. 

They have a crematorium by their house. That's probably what they're building down the street. If I'm moving. Oh my God. How funny would that be? Okay. Not funny. Okay. So you, you have 600 total. Yeah.  He didn't update this. Empty,  sir. Okay. All right. For 500. Okay. In which city is the Louvre?  Should I…? You seem to know. 

Is it Florence, Paris, Amsterdam, or London? 

I can't think of  Oh, I said Paris.  That is Paris. J'adore les François! No, God! Paris!  You're close. J'adore le français. Le français? Le français. Tu dis avec ton… comment dit ton le mot pour throat? I don't know. I don't know.  Huh? Qu’est ce que c’est? Yeah. Ooh. Yeah. 

Math. That's hard. Very good.  All right. Are you ready?

You would think that the French would be like the best runners in history. Oh, this is an easy one. That's for all my military folks out there. You're welcome to go America. Okay. Go ahead. Okay. Okay. This is for a thousand dollars. “The French always run away during wars” Are you kidding me!? The French are like the most chaotic.

Revolutions. The only time the French were chaotic was when they had Napoleon leading them. And Napoleon also led them to, had more of his own people killed than any other conqueror in history. Okay. But what of all the decapitations…? Over a million. What about the revolutions… against the kings…?  Let them eat cake…? 

He's like, no, I don't care. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah. But okay. Yeah.  That was very anticlimactic.  Anywho, yeah, tell us. Tell us. For 1, 000. Okay. Yeah. If you guys don't get this, I'm still at 1, 100. I can't math.  If you don't get this, I quit. Okay.  Which singer is famously known as the man in black?  Kenny Rogers, Glenn Campbell, Johnny Cash, or Willie Nelson? 

Johnny.  Very good. Johnny Cash. Add 1, 000. Wow, so it's 2, 100 now? Yeah.  That's excessive. I'm going to the bank.  Okay, uh oh. 4, 000.  This is too much math.  For 4, 000. Okay.  What is the technical term for the main body of an airplane?  Cockpit,  aileron,  fuselage, or aerofoil. 

It makes my nose look fatter. I shouldn't do that.  You look like the little guy from like Ziggy. Or whatever, get up. He would look over the fence,  you know, put his little hands up,  like that.  what the hell are you doing over there? Oh my God. Right, right. It's too much. It's giving too much. Da fuselage!! Oh, it's a pretty plane, I said the same thing, but I butchered the spelling of it. 

How does one spell? You just don't need the.  The double E? Yeah. Okay. It's just a fuse. So it's just F U like that? Just F U. It's just F U? That's correct. Okay. Perfect. I added too many E's. All right. Great job. How much was that for? 4, 000. So now we're at 6,100.  All right. You're quickly moving up. So, you know, it goes like really fast from here  for 8,000.

Oh my God.  The color purple by Alice Walker was awarded the national book award in which year, 1955, 1972, 1983, or 1994?

What are you doing? Our, our listeners, this takes so long. If they're not watching this on YouTube, they're going to be like, what are A or B going with A? You can't, that's not  an answer. Also, neither one of those were correct. It was C. The answer was C. Oh, no! 1983. Wait, does that mean you lose? That means I lost.

Well, I mean, I can still play, but like all of it? Well, no, you keep going until you get to see how far you can go. I won't get very far. You miss a question. You lose, right? Wait, what's 8,000  to that?  Wow. Wow. Let me down.  I was really looking forward to that million.  This is for 16,000.  He can be your phone a friend or your lifeline.

Should you choose to accept one? I need one of the cards for that. That's fun. Digital card. You can hand that to me. If you would like to use that. It's a telephone. Oh, wait, there's other things. I forgot about all these. I want to see like 50. So what is then you take away half the answers. What does that do? 

Oh, half the answers. Okay. Okay. Ready for 16, 000. That's too many.  Oh, you better get this one.  Which camp featured in the song that began with a line. Hello, Muddah. Hello, Fuddah. 

Is it  Granada,  Lombada, Armada, or Dorada? I feel like Granada.  Hello, Mother. Hello, Father. But the only thing is is I'm thinking of the fleas ticks mosquito song.  Yeah, I know  Is it a camp Granada, okay good I was  Got it is. Yep. All right. So 14 plus how many 16? 16 that's 30,000 and we're gonna see if I can math faster then  the calculator  Do you have your calculator out?

I do. We need this. Well, I, I just wanna make sure that we're It's 30,100, 200. 200 . No, it's not. Wait, I didn't get an extra 100. Yes it is. Why do you get an extra 100? Because I want it . Yeah, we just took a hundred. You just took a hundred dollars from nowhere. . Alright. 30,100. I fixed it. Oh my God.  Okay. Okay.

Listen, this is for 32,000. That's too many. I take it back. You might know this though. Ah, shit.This is a this one's a good one for you. Ready? I want you to win a million What are the castles made of in joni mitchell's both sides now?  Oh joni ice cream. Okay cotton candy vanilla swirls romantic dreams  I just thought you knew joni mitchell's stuff for some reason  She's a Carly Simon, Carly Pearce kind of girl. 

Those are two very different Carly's.  Yeah, both valid. But you do like them both, right? (yes) Alright, tell me the answer first. Wait, do you want to phone a friend or do 50 50 or are you that confident? Can I phone your friend? Can you answer this?  No, I'm not your friend right now.  He's not going to help me. Yeah, I might not be.

You'd probably rather Pearce be here. Oh, let's do 50 50. 

Okay.  It becomes A. ice cream or C. vanilla swirls.  Did you have neither? So I was going to go with, but 

this is rude. This game is rude, but actually that's what I was going to go with from the get go. Is it too obvious?  But they try to do that too.  I'd just say sure, whatever, ice cream. You are correct. Yes! Woo! Yes! You now have 62,000. Oh my gosh! 62,100. Don't add any more. Aly, what a great day for you. 62, 200?

Smack a rooze. 100. Why are you getting  Why do you get a hundred dollars  on every question? Because I deserve it. Okay. You do? This is for, for $64,000. I, yeah. Yeah. I am a doll Imy. Yeah. Why are these all music? It's weird. I'm getting nervous. Oh, that's too much pressure. I'm nervous for you,  . Which of the following was not a Rolling Stones hit.

Okay.  Pain in my heart.  Miss you the last time. Or emotional rescue. 

Don't film this, friend. 

Did we just become teammates? I feel like I could see Miss You. I definitely could see  the last time, because now it's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the evening. What was the last one? Emotional Rescue. Emotional Rescue. Emotional Damage. Emotional Damage.  Sorry, sir. What was that? I don't know.

I couldn't remember his accent. 

You guys. I'm, you know what? Um, can I just  small story, uh, kind of.  I don't want to say PTSD cause it's not, it's not nice to use those terms and have it not actually be a clinical  usage of that term. But  the stones kind of takes me back to a time where we were doing corporate shows that were a little  questionable.

So I'm not a big stones person, but I got one of those songs out though.  I got one Rolling Stones song out. You did. Yeah. Yeah. But then I got pulled for the rest of them. Yeah, you did. Which was fine. We were at the bar.  Hey, you still got paid the same amount. All right.  I mean for 64, 000 is that your final answer?

I feel like you're going to say no. Yeah, sure. You are correct. I said pain in my heart. You have a hundred. How much  you have? A hundred.  120 some. What was it?  I lost track of what it was. 60. Wait. 64, right? 64. Alright, so 1 26, 64. Oh, you had six.  1 26 a hundred. Is that right? Zoom, zoom.  One plus one. So I have 200. 

Yeah. Yeah. But you have to know where you're going to stop. So like if she doesn't get it, she either gets one 26, 100 or  , you know it the base, whatever the base is, which is like 50,000 or something. Wait, you get money either way? Once you get past a certain I would like to withdraw, yes. Once you get, yeah, if you stop now.

Once you get past a certain point, you do, but it's not like you can get to 300,000 and then be like, that's it. I'm gonna take it and walk away. Oh, if you still have to, there's like, so in Mahjong, have you ever played Mahjong? I wait, I don't think so. Is that the one with the little The tiles tile? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

There's a thing at the beginning of the game, so you get 14 tiles.  You get 14 tiles if you're East, which is like the person that goes first. Everybody else gets 13 tiles and then you do what's called the Charleston. And it's first, right? Muster cross first, left, second, left. Second, across last, right. And then you have the option to switch tiles and each of those passes you're switching with whom, wherever the passing is going.

And so, but there's like, you can stop the passing after certain ones. I always forget. I always have to ask them like, grandma, when can I stop the passing? And then she's like, if you stop the passing, the game is over because I'll kill you.  Because if you stop the passing during the Charleston, you're kind of a dick.

Is the Charleston similar to the Carlton?  If you get  , it's really hard to do an chair. It's an unusual to be loved by anyone.  Okay. Okay. Can I erase pain in my heart now? Yep. Yeah, good. It was, uh, giving me the Eeb gbs, giving you a pain in the ass. That's what I was gonna say. It's giving you pain in the ass.

Pain in the ass. Alright. Okay. This is for 125,000. Oh my goodness.  Are you ready? Not entirely. Let's go. I couldn't have gotten this far though. I would, I would have missed the last two. That's not true. You obviously didn't get this far. You didn't get this far.  God, she ain't chill. Jesus. Well I'm just, you said I couldn't have gotten this far.

Well you didn't.  That was my favorite part of the day. That's when you're not in the game anymore. Okay, so Ty's ego is here. Yeah. And then without Julie it would be like up here. But  he really needs her to like even things out. Otherwise he'd be a monster. Yeah, so I have her to bring me to here, then my dad brings me to here.

Yeah, yeah.  She's like gut punch and your dad's like, I'm going to kick out your knees.  I think I love Richard. Yeah, no, they're the best.  Which is good. Cause you'd be unbearable. Oh my God. Can you imagine? No. Thank you both for your service. Yeah. Thank you for your service.  Moving on. Yep. Give me 125, 000. Yes.

What did vice president Marshall say this country needed? 

B, belief in itself, C, good five cent cigar, or D, McDonald's.  Say the question and the whole thing again. What did Vice President Marshall say this country needed? Oh, okay.  Revolution, belief in itself, good five cent cigars, or McDonald's. 

Go on with five cent ciggies.  For 125, 000,  you are correct.  Oh my! How?  Is this just guessing? What are you doing? You're welcome. You now have 300, 000. How do you feel?  Like I want to stop? You can get like a I want to stop. For 300 K you can now afford a one bedroom, one bath condo  in Lewisburg. No, I'm kidding. 

Sign me up in Lewisburg. Okay.  Oh, okay. Are you ready? Yes. This is too intense for me to even ask. Oh God. Don't tell me 250, 000. No, I didn't.  Now, now you're at that point. Cause I was at 300 and what? So now you are at the point you're at. 250, 000. So this is the point where  you could stop and take the money.

Like if you quit, you could get 250. Okay. Uh, yes, I would like to do that, but for the game's sake, let's just do one more. Okay.  All right. All right. So you're punching out at two 50. I'm punching out. Give me my quarter mile. I'm so proud of you. I mean, like,  dang, I really thought I could tear through this thing and, and then you're going to get the next question and be like, I could have done that.

I'm nervous. Nellie. Okay. Give it to me. Okay. What is the name of the weekly newspaper of the Falkland islands? Okay. Okay. Okay.  A, Penguin News, B, Island Life, C, The South Atlantic, or D, The Stanley Chronicle. 

You said,  Stanley Chronicle, South Atlantic, Island Life, or Penguin what? News.  And where was it again? Falkland Islands. Falkland Islands.  Hmm. What the f**k is that?  I'm going to go final answer. Penguin news.  Cause I think it's funny. And why not?  Is that your final answer? It is. You would have been correct.

Hell yeah.  How much would that have been? I'm not a gambling lady, but that was for the two 50.  Wait, so you only got one 25 no, no, no. I had, I had that and then we doubled it. We doubled. Yeah. She was already up. I was at three. She was at 301. Yeah.  Okay. And she could have walked away with two 50. That was the deal.

That was the deal. I had to, I had to get something or nothing. You are correct. Your girl's always going to go for it. But you could have gotten it. So there's only two questions left. Damn. Wait, what? I didn't know that. You were so close to the end. It like doubles. So the last two questions are, let's play as though.

Let's keep going though, because you got it right. So technically you're still, let's just play for fun and see if you could win a million. All right. So there's,  Why does it take so long normally? Because all the commercials? Yeah. Yeah. Boring.  They also sit there and converse about the Falkland Falkland Islands.

Oh, yeah. I gotcha. I would have gotten this right. Okay. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. For 500, 000. I already saw my math. I thought we were done. I thought you were already holding up the answer just because you were like, yeah, f**k it. I am it.  Teddy Roosevelt.  Are you ready? Yes. Battle of Guadalcanal. Battle of Guadalcanal.

Battle of Guadalcanal. Battle of Guadalcanal. Igneous,  sedimentary, and metamorphic are all kinds of what? Boom. Rocks.  What an easy question! For 500, 000! 500 on top of her 250? No, this is 500? Yes. Boom. Damn. Rocks.  All right. You know what? This is the million dollar question. I'm not going to lie, geology kind of excited me more than it should have in college.

Mine did too and that's the only reason I just turned off to that. Did y'all get your rocks off? A little bit, yeah. Like tell me about river geology and cut banks and point bars and I want to know more.  I really was You welcome to Excited about like  volcanoes, ash. Yeah. When I Pompeii and, yeah. It was great.

When I lived in Arizona, I I, you would get these can't even lava rocks. You know what I'm talking about? Sure. Real. Do you? No. Okay. Like literal lava rocks. Yeah. They looked like, were they shiny black? No, they're, they're like reddish. They're like maroon and they have tons of, they look like a sponge, but they're extremely like hard.

Oh yeah, yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Yeah. I've seen those. Yeah. Those things hurt your f**king feet, man. Are you ready for million dollar questions? Oh God. Mill a, a cool mill. This is for a million. Milli Bobby Brown. You did it. You already got to, you already. Ali wins . No, look, you, I had this.

You're now up to five. I need a um, well you took the two.  I need an investor, someone to believe in me. I can go on the show and do real good. I believe in you. That's crazy. I would You're, you're one question away from a mill. Alright, let's see. 1, 000, 000 question was, uh, was, uh,  yeah. For 1, 000, 000, which state derives its name from the Indian word meaning long river,  a Mississippi,  Colorado, C Connecticut, or D Missouri. 

I feel like the obvious answer would be Mississippi. Right. But, so I feel like it can't be the obvious answer. Missouri, Colorado, Mississippi, or Connecticut? Mm hmm. Connecticut. Connecticut.  I don't think it's that one, sorry.  Um, Missouri is a definite contender because it's a state.  Hello, Branson, because Missouri loves company  that a, but also, I don't know, Colorado is a bump in place with lots of nature and shit.

So they got rivers, lots of field and streams. They've got,  this is what I've narrowed it down to the dots are ties and he's dotted Missouri and Mississippi. I like the Ms.  The M's he does. I've crossed out Connecticut because while it has a special place in my heart. That bitch is tiny.  It's probably Connecticut.

I'm talking way too much shit. I went to a Duraflex conference in Connecticut one time. It was really interesting and  It was beautiful. It was covered in snow.  You know what? I love an underdog. I'm gonna go Connecticut.  Is it D, Connecticut?  First of all, Connecticut wasn't D. Don't use letters.  Was it D, Minnesota? 

Was it F, Florida?  Are you going with Connecticut? Sure. I want you to learn this so bad.  It makes no logical sense, but I feel like I should go with Connecticut. Aly for a million dollars is C, Connecticut. Oh, look at, I crossed it out and it didn't stand a chance. Who wants to be a millionaire?  You guys, if I was on the show, I would have been booted out the first round.

There's no way  these questions are not like the TV questions. Now can we play the wall?  I wish.  Can we please build a wall? But not like Donald Trump, like I was like, Oh, where are you going? To play in the wall? Woo. Except I only really went to 50 cause I don't believe in myself. Right. Hey buddy. You're okay.

Oh, door dashes here. I'm so glad we, we got the reaction  before he did that. 

That's amazing. I wanna watch that back. 'cause that was genuine excitement on my part. , I was just like holding my breath. Like, what is it?  Oh,  I really wanna play this game. What is that game? Nineties trigger. Hello? Nineties.  I would not be good at that. I was, I don't know that I would either. Not good. Yeah.

Ah.  He sounds like the exorcist. God.  Oh, buddy. All right, I'll take him so you can do your outing. Oh, buddy.  He's struggling. He's really struggling. He's like, but I want to come in here.  Hmm.  So how much do you think I get after taxes?  Um. 

Because you have to pay taxes on it coming in and then you also have to pay taxes on it. 680.  Okay  Okay, okay, that's what I'm guessing. I could I could yeah, you'd be all right. Yeah, you make that stretch. Yeah. Oh, yeah  Dump it all into  all sorts. I saw that  prices for places like like downtown Are going down.

Yeah. You know why? Because they've got way too many available. Yeah.  Uh, they're beautiful. I don't understand it. How come there's not 900, 000 people here that can afford because they're all musicians and we're broke. Uh, 1. 3 million condo. Like I thought we'd be able to easily fill this place.  It's fine.

You live in, you learn, uh, not only even if you could afford the condo,  The parking. No, like literally the building that I work next to,  they have Teslas that they just let you use. So you pay rent, you pay utilities, you pay amenities and you pay parking and then you pay Tesla fee. It's like, wow,  really?

It's cool though. It's really cool. I would live there if I could. Would you? Probably. Yeah. No, I probably live in the Albi on. It's in the Gulch but like on the other side and it's like the curvy one that's right next to 440. I hate that place  It's probably the coolest place inside. I hate it outside I'll tell you why why because every time you drive in on 65, well, you know cuz you live that way Sorry didn't mean to tell people where you live.

But anyway,  there's a lot of places down there. It's right. You're right So when you're going into town on 65 You had this amazing view of the skyline You And now it's just like,  Oh,  I didn't even realize because I ate up the whole skyline before. Yeah, no, it ate that whole chunk. Uh,  so that's what, that's the one reason, like, I don't like it.

It's not, it's not the building. It's just.  Nostalgia. Nostalgia purposes. How are you feeling about the fact that we're not even going to be able to see the Batman building soon? Yeah. Not great. I'm a, I'm a little interested to see where the city goes from here because I heard we were going to, at one point we were going to get the tallest building like in,  in America, I think.

That would look so funny. It looks so weird. It looks like this tiny little place now be like a giant middle finger. Oops. Sorry. You got to blur that out, but it'll look like, honestly, you know, that's where New York, New York, in my opinion.  Maybe, maybe didn't take the right path in building one World Trade Center because I Understand not not building the same thing out of respect that made sense to me  But everything that the American people like voted on, it wasn't one world trade center.

And so when they ended up with that, it was kind of, everybody was like, wait, I thought you were asking for our opinion. And then you went and I didn't realize that we voted. Yeah. That's the thing. It was like kind of a, they put a poll out there. Like what, what do we think? You know, I remember the joke was let's, Let's build it in the form of a middle finger.

So you put one of the towers back and then you just make smaller buildings on the side and make it look like we're Yeah, yeah. Yeah.  I like that one. That's . That would be your building. That would be sick.  . That would be your Trump building if you, you're right. Were that ranch. You're right, you're right.

You'd be like, here's my middle finger building. That's what Donald Trump would do. You're welcome. He would've built the middle finger. You're right. . And he'd live in the penthouse up there. And you know, I just, no, I can't do a trumpet impression. I'm so sorry. It just.  There are some people that do it so well.

There's some people that do it well, yeah. Yeah, not me. Not me. They always squint. They always squint. Yeah. And then the hands. And the repetitive phrases, but flipped. So it seems less repetitive, but it's the same thing over and over again. And they're like, you know, I don't want to see ya. My favorite  is when he does, and I like, I like making fun of all presidents, but like  The main reason I like, he has so many, it's kind of like George W.

He just keep, he kept giving me soundbite after soundbite after soundbite. And it was just like, you know, and did you see the interview with George W. Bush where he was on the golf course and they were asking him about like, you know, laying the groundwork, we need to lay the groundwork. So we have a plan for the groundwork.

And then all of a sudden he goes, All right. I was like, I need more of this energy and just like, peace out.  Somebody asked some, I think it was when I went overseas, but somebody said,  or I was saying, how do you choose between, uh, you know, a presidential candidate because they're all going to say what you want to hear.

So how do you actually know like the man behind the mask, you know, and one of my, one of my friends I think said, uh,  like, you just picture who you want to. Yeah. Like when it comes down to it, when it comes down to the two people, which one do you want to go in there and spend 10 minutes with and have a conversation with? 

And would you want to have a beer with us? We hope you had a great time here watching our millionaire game and I can't believe I won it. So until next time, peace. 

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